Farm in Numbers - Financial

Farm in Numbers - Financial

R$ 297,00


The key metric of any livestock property is one: DISTANCE!


Yes, exactly what you read! The main farm metric is the distance between what it is and what it should be!

In this training we want to teach you to calculate the key financial indicators for decision making within the livestock activity and understand the result that the farm is generating and what it could generate. More than just having the main expenses of the farm recorded, learn how to transform these historical data series into powerful indicators for your decision making within the farm.


Learn how a simple methodology, direct to the point and many exercises that will help you fix all the content available!


You will learn in this training


Class 1 - Financial Indicators

Class 2 - Crop year

Class 3 - Property assets

Class 4 - Results of the cattle operation

Class 5 - Results on the value of livestock

Class 6 - Result of the cattle operation with market effect

Class 7 - Result of the cattle operation without investments

Class 8 - Costing and disbursement

Class 9 - Costing and disbursement per head/month

Class 10 - Cost and disbursement per produced @

Class 11 - Sales margin

Class 12 - Value of the @ spent on the value of the @ sold

Class 13 - Expenditure for each 100g of gain



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ANALYSIS P - Analysis of Livestock Investments in Practice

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Farm into numbers!

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LIDERA: Team management for profitable farms

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Talk to us!

We hope we have clearly explained what we have to offer, if you have any questions, please contact us. We will be delighted to serve you.

Mandacaru Avenue, 2150 - Room 8 - Parque das Laranjeiras
CEP 87083-240 - Maringá, Paraná

Monday to Friday - 9 am to 5 pm (Brasilia time)